The Hydrotech Belt Filters are made for efficient filtration and draining of sludge and wastewater.
The Hydrotech Beltfilter is made for efficient filtration and draining of sludge and wastewater. It is an automatic, self-cleaning filter specially designed to achieve optimal performance in systems where high solids content in the dewatered sludge is essential.
- Cost-effective technology
- Small footprint
- Easy to operate, easy to maintain
- Product flexibility
- Sturdy, compact design
- Partnership & development
How it works
Sludge or wastewater is led into the filter 1 and passes by gravity through the filter belt 2.
The belt is designed as a slowly moving conveyer installed in a stainless steel tank. As the water passes through the filter, the filtering process ensures the efficient removal of particles. These particles are drained on the belt to a high dry matter content. The dewatered sludge is removed at the top of the filter 3 and discharged through a hopper 4 for final treatment.
The belt is further cleaned by a high-pressure backwash system 5 and the rinse water is led either back to the process or to further treatment.
The Beltfilter is normally operated intermittently (demand) controlled by a level switch.

1 - Sludge inlet chamber
2 - Filter belt
3 - Dewatered sludge
4 - Solids hopper
5 - Backwash system
6 - Outlet
7 - By-pass
8 - Inlet
9 - Tank drain
10 - Backwash reject outlet