Ecodisk™Filter technology : the combination of an Ecodisk™ and a drum filter
Customer needs
The Hautecombe Foundation entrusts OTV Sud — a subsidiary of Veolia Water Technologies — with the rehabilitation of the Hautecombe Abbey wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 510 population equivalent (PE). The historical site requires a compact technology that can be integrated in this exceptional site.
The client wished to develop its plant while respecting the following parameters:
- Compactness and architectural integration
- Conservation of existing equipment
- Efficient treatment of carbon and nitrogen pollution
- Autonomous and simple operation
The solution
Thanks to the modularity of the Ecodisk™ solution, OTV in partnership with PMT — a second subsidiary of Veolia Water Technologies — proposed the implementation of Ecodisk™ Filter. biological disk integrating a filtration for separation of treated water.
The solution includes:
- The reuse of the lift station, automatic bar screen and compactor
- The conservation of the existing decanter digester
- The installation of a two meter in diameter biodisk for a surface of 1900 square metre and a drum filter in a single equipment
- The creation of a counting channel.
Treatment guarantees
Chemical oxygen demand: 61,20 kilogram per day (kg/d)
Five-day biochemical oxygen demand.: 30,6 kg/d
Proficiency testing: 1,53 kg/d
Total suspended solids: 45,9 kg/d
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 7,65 kg/d
510 PE
Daily flow : 77 cubic meters per day
Peak flow : 11 cubic meters per hour
Advantages of the solution
- Reinforcement of the treatment capacity
- Ecodisk Filter: two treatments in one single equipment
- Treatment of carbonaceous and nitrogenous pollution in compliance with the new NH4<5 mg/l (ammonium less than five milligrams per litre) regulation
- Sludge treatment by séparation on a drum filter
- Low energy installation

The client
The Hautecombe Abbey is located in the commune of Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille, in an exceptional site, on the shores of Lake Bourget and at the foot of Mont du Chat.
Customer benefits
- Perfect landscape integration, with no odor, visual or noise pollution
- Compactness: All treatment stages in a single structure
- Limited operating costs/automatic operation
- Limited energy consumption
- No addition of chemical products